UQ journal club
- The UQ journal club is a student Journal Club, conducting an online Journal Club to facilitate the review of recent scientific articles and discuss their implications and relevance to the dynamic field of small animal veterinary internal medicine, surgery and ECC. We are now extending the invitation to all and anticipate sessions enriched with critical appraisals and insightful discussions. The UQ Journal Club provides an excellent platform to facilitate the review of recent scientific articles and discuss their implications and relevance.
- Meeting Details:
- Time: 7:30 AM (Brsibane time, GMT+10)
- Day: Every Saturday
- Link: https://uqz.zoom.us/j/82772005103
- Facebook page: www.facebook.com/groups/742299064633730/
UQ Journal club (Presentations)
Factors associated with early tibial tuberosity fracture after tibial plateau levelling osteotomy (2018)
Lea R. Mehrkens DVM1 | Caleb C. Hudson DVM, MS, DACVS2 | Grayson L. Cole DVM, DACVS2
Outcomes of dogs treated for extrahepatic congenital portosystemic shunts with thin film banding or ameroid ring constrictor (2018)
Matt Matiasovic DVM, PGCert |Guillaume P. A. Chanoit DEDV, PhD, DECVS, DACVS, FHEA | Lee B. Meakin MA, Mres, PhD, VetMB, DECVS |Mickey S. Tivers BVSc (Hons), PhD, CertSAS, DECVS
Major complications and rick factors associated with surgical correction of congenital medial patellar luxation in 124 dogs (2014)
Cashmore RG, Havlicek M, Perkins NR, James DR, Fearnside SM, Marchevsky AM, Black AP.
Extratesticular interstitial and Sertoli cell tumors in previously neutered dogs and cats: A report of 17 cases (2006)
Doxsee AL, Yager JA, Best SJ, Foster RA.
Modified cranial closing wedge osteotomy for treatment of cranial cruciate ligament insufficiency in dogs with excessive tibial plateau angles: Technique and complications in 19 cases (2017)
Steven W. Frederick | Alan R. Cross
Antimicrobial Use Guidelines for Treatment of Urinary Tract Disease in Dogs and Cats: Antimicrobial Guidelines Working Group of the International Society for Companion Animal Infectious Diseases (2011)
. Scott Weese, Joseph M. Blondeau, Dawn Boothe, Edward B. Breitschwerdt, Luca Guardabassi, Andrew Hillier, David H. Lloyd, Mark G. Papich, Shelley C. Rankin, John D. Turnidge, and Jane E. Sykes
Evaluation of a modified proportional margin approach for complete surgical excision of canine cutaneous mast cell tumours and its association with clinical outcome (2020)
Harvey Saunders| Maurine J. Thomson* Janis P. Bridges | Lincoln Chaul
Canine stifle joint biomechanics associated with tibial plateau leveling osteotomy predicted by use of a computer model (2014)
Nathan P. Brown, PhD; Gina E. Bertocci, PhD; Denis J. Marcellin-Little, DEDV
Predictors of outcome in dogs with subcutaneous or intramuscular hemangiosarcoma (2011)
Kai-Biu Shiu, bvms, dacvim; Andrea B. Flory, dvm, dacvim; Christie L. Anderson, dvm; Jackie Wypij, dvm, dacvim; Corey Saba, dvm, dacvim; Heather Wilson, dvm, dacvim; Ilene Kurzman, ms, edd; Ruthanne Chun, dvm, dacvim
Comparison of Absorbable and Nonabsorbable Sutures for Intradermal Skin Closure in Dogs (2023)
Dimitrios B. Balomenos 1, Pagona G. Gouletsou 2,* and Apostolos D. Galatos 1
Multiple Meningioma Resection by Bilateral Extended Rostrotentorial Craniotomy with a 3D-Print Guide in a Cat (2022)
Kyohyuk Song, Haebeom Lee , Jaemin Jeong and Yoonho Roh